
Mes contributions

Terraform (3 contributions)

Page du projet Terraform
#6666 : Support issuance of ACM private certificate
#1805 : data/aws_iam_user: Add a data source for IAM user
#1802 : Fix data IAM group copy paste

ClickHouse (1 contribution)

Page du projet ClickHouse
#4770 : Doc fix: alter duplicated line

Confluent Schema Registry (1 contribution)

#479 : Fix avro.compatibility.level full_transitive typo

clock (1 contribution)

#2 : Add Clock#After

Homebrew Core (2 contributions)

Page du projet Homebrew Core
#44618 : angle-grinder 0.11.0
#5043 : avro-c: support Snappy and LZMA codecs

go-metrics (1 contribution)

#178 : Support dynamic gauge metric

goavro (3 contributions)

#166 : Schema evolution support
#64 : Do not fail when reading container with short read
#60 : Fix inconsistency when decoding an enum

HawtJNI (1 contribution)

#22 : Use Files.setPosixFilePermissions for chmod when possible

Apache Kafka (6 contributions)

Page du projet Apache Kafka
KAFKA-4950 : ConcurrentModificationException when iterating over Kafka Metrics
KAFKA-4740 : Using new consumer API with a Deserializer that throws SerializationException can lead to infinite loop
KAFKA-3840 : OS auto tuning for socket buffer size in clients not allowed through configuration
KAFKA-3790 : Default options when removing ACLs do not comply with documentation
KAFKA-3783 : Race condition on last ACL removal for a resource fails with a ZkBadVersionException
KAFKA-3501 : Console consumer process hangs on SIGINT

Sarama (10 contributions)

#2094 : Support request pipelining in AsyncProducer
#1359 : Support timeout when fetching metadata
#970 : Support ProduceResponse v1 and v2 encoding
#772 : Stop test if client.Coordinator fails somehow
#771 : Use sensible heap size for Java processes in Vagrant
#766 : Expose request latency metric
#746 : Expose producer metrics with go-metrics
#744 : Use a local registry for metrics
#701 : Expose broker metrics with go-metrics
#664 : Forbid empty ClientID and use 'sarama' as default

The website for Glide (1 contribution)

Page du projet The website for Glide
#1 : Fix typo in glide.lock link

Apache Druid (1 contribution)

Page du projet Apache Druid
#2815 : Doc for mapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true

LMDB JNI (2 contributions)

#57 : Adding methods for using shorts with BufferCursor
#53 : Add support for exact lookup with BufferCursor

LMDB (1 contribution)

#8330 : Fix robust mutex detection for glibc 2.10 and 2.11

GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin (1 contribution)

#368 : Fix "No test results found" in Github build status

Governator (1 contribution)

#228 : Invoke pre destroy methods in the reverse order of post construct in LifecycleModule

CodeNarc (1 contribution)

#91 : Allow regular comments or annotations before Javadoc section

jquery-resizable-columns (1 contribution)

#42 : Fix memory leak when destroying the plugin

fluent-plugin-elasticsearch (1 contribution)

Quartz (1 contribution)

Page du projet Quartz
QTZ-336 : Race condition can prevent a Job from being executed again in the next 23 to 30 seconds

Gatling (2 contributions)

Page du projet Gatling
#476 : No entry is selected in the reporting menu if a request name contains the character [
#475 : Typos in the wiki

Groovy (2 contributions)

Page du projet Groovy
GROOVY-4843 : Mocking a method with byte[] parameter type throws a ClassCastException: ArrayList cannot be cast to Number

Grails (6 contributions)

Page du projet Grails
GRAILS-12089 : Fix auto timestamp properties not populated with @Mock
GRAILS-7231 : Internal documentation engine produces broken links in index.html and grails doc -pdf does not work anymore
GRAILS-7158 : ConfigurationHolder.flatConfig is not reset during test units
GRAILS-6800 : transitive dependency of plugin is not evicted by direct project dependency
GRAILS-6483 : MvcUnitTestCase#reset() might throw "IllegalStateException: Unable to reset response if already committed"
GRAILS-6224 : Support checkbox fields on nested command objects with Spring data binding

Jackrabbit (12 contributions)

Page du projet Jackrabbit
JCR-2421 : Unable to create repository using jackrabbit-webapp because a directory called "jackrabbit" already exists
JCR-2389 : Update dependency versions for commons-collections, slf4j and derby
JCR-2297 : Registering multiple node types with the same name in a single file must fail
JCR-2224 : Change access levels in SearchIndex and NodeIndexer for better inherance
JCR-2171 : Deadlock in SharedItemStateManager on session.move and
JCR-2057 : When creating multiple repository instances pointing to the same home, opening a second session will remove the .lock file
JCR-134 : Unreferenced VersionHistory should be deleted automatically.
JCR-1650 : XPathQueryBuilder may not handle multiple jcr:deref correctly
JCR-1558 : Namespace not registered yet prevent BundleDbPersistenceManager to detect already existing root node and leads to workspace initialization failure in a cluster environment
JCR-1493 : Root exception not logged in ClusterNode for ClusterException
JCR-1435 : Choose the MySQL engine for database storage (default to MyISAM)
JCR-1408 : Invalid query results when using jcr:like with a case transform function and a pattern not starting with a wildcard

CAS (2 contributions)

Page du projet CAS
CASC-101 : TicketValidator implementations are not easily extensible
CAS-823 : Provide URL when logging an error because of a failing logout message request

RRD4J (1 contribution)

#10 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 when generating a graph (gridind = -1)

SquirrelMail (1 contribution)

Spring (5 contributions)

Page du projet Spring
SEC-1592 : CAS proxy receptor requests must not pass through the filter chain
SPR-8476 : Use 400 Bad request instead of 500 when JSON payload is well formed but has an invalid structure
SPR-6304 : Wrapped Hibernate SQLGrammarException loses the potential SQL statement that caused the exception
SPR-4700 : Add single checkbox input macro for Velocity and Freemarker
SPR-4635 : Add NDB error codes to sql-error-codes.xml

MySQL (1 contribution)

Page du projet MySQL
#35990 : Error code 1062 to 1296 (unknown) after setting sql_mode to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES

Ivy integration into Eclipse IDE (2 contributions)

Page du projet Ivy integration into Eclipse IDE
IVYDE-106 : Retrieve after resolve feature does not fetch only accepted jar types artifact
IVYDE-105 : Retrieve after resolve feature does not clean target directory first

iBatis for Java (3 contributions)

Page du projet iBatis for Java
IBATIS-536 : Errors when using PreparedStatement.setNull(i,Types.OTHER) on some RDBMS
IBATIS-516 : Change exception message when a setter can not be invoked
IBATIS-479 : Typo on com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.conifg package

OSWorkflow (10 contributions)

WF-489 : Nested expression query fails with Oracle (ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended)
WF-466 : Missing setDueDate on SimpleStep
WF-465 : JCR (JSR 170) workflow store
WF-444 : Missing global actions in checking for an implicit finish
WF-401 : Adding version into jar manifest
WF-397 : Visibility of the inner class com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.XMLWorkflowFactory.WorkflowConfig
WF-396 : Limitation while inheriting MySQLWorkflowStore
WF-395 : Unable to compile OSWorkflow from Ant script
WF-389 : conditions and condition xml element order in Workflow description
WF-386 : Duplicate entry constraint with MySQLWorkflowStore

Jetty (2 contributions)

Page du projet Jetty
JETTY-558 : Jetty behind a reverse proxy and request.getServerName()
JETTY-407 : Response handled before finishing request parsing using AJP connector with chunked data

PDFBox (1 contribution)

Page du projet PDFBox
#1185058 : Invalid character while extracting text from a chinese pdf